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PZL Blogg

Puzzlepart bloggen oppdateres jevnlig med nyheter rundt teknologien vi driver med og historier i firmaet.



I PzlPod møter du flinke folk som jobber med et stort spekter av tjenester rundt Microsoft 365, Power Platform, Dynamics 365, Copilot og Microsoft Viva.

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Nyeste episode hører du her:


Psychological Safety Creates Effective Teams

How do you go about solving a complex task, and where is your focus? It's easy to jump straight into the task that needs to be solved, focusing on the desired goal. But is this..

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Workshop med ambassadørnettverk

Change Management – The Best Friend of User Adoption

How do we create positive change? Many people are constantly being introduced to new digital tools at work. How do we get the owners of these new tools to see the benefits of..

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How Møller Mobility Group Mastered Microsoft Teams

The automotive industry as we know it has been undergoing significant changes in recent years. With challenges like the pandemic, war, inflation, and factors affecting supply..

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